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Zero Downtime Deployment with Docker Stack and Spring Boot

·10 mins

Playing around with Docker Swarm mode really makes fun: you only need a single command to initialize a cluster on your local machine. The following line configures your Docker Engine as Docker Swarm manager:

docker swarm init

The command output already tells you how to add additional worker nodes and looks similar to this:

docker swarm join \
--token SWMTKN-1-somecharacters-andmorecharacters \

You don’t necessarily have to add additional worker nodes, because the manager node can also be used as worker. If you wonder how to add more manager nodes, the Engine will help you if you enter this one:

docker swarm join-token manager

In your production environment you might be tempted to have a more resilient setup, using 3 or 5 Swarm manager nodes (to build a quorum) and even more worker nodes depending on your workload.

Deploying a replicated service then is a no-brainer:

docker service create --name nginx --publish 8080:80 --replicas 2 nginx:alpine

Docker Swarm will manage your services with their tasks to be deployed on your cluster. Automated restarts, rolling updates, networking, internal DNS, simple load balancing, draining nodes, and built-in security are some of the features you get for free and without much hassle.

But why all the fuzz about that?

Let’s first take a look at the status quo in my team and find out why we cannot simply switch to an orchestrator like Docker Swarm. If you want to skip the gossip and continue with the real stuff, just head over to the relevant section below.

The Good #

We already posted an article series about the way we implemented a continuous deployment pipeline. The underlying concept hasn’t changed too much, so even the code samples on GitHub are still a good reference if you want to start with a small application with a small number of services.

Meanwhile, our code base has grown - which is certainly a good thing. We still rely on Ansible to perform provisioning and blue-green deployments. The number of services has grown, though. More advanced stuff has been added, e.g. Consul-Template in combination with Registrator, and NGINX as reverse proxy. Our setup isn’t very special, there are plenty of articles out there for such a setup and you can find very concise examples to get you started.

Our current setup makes it quite easy to add yet another microservice into our infrastructure. Since we wrote every Ansible role and playbook ourselves, we know where to tweak our settings or where to fix issues. Yet, such a setup with Consul/Registrator/NGINX isn’t trivial to maintain and using Ansible for deployments still feels a bit strange.

The Bad? #

I personally have the impression that Ansible is very good at provisioning your nodes. But when it comes down to performing docker run, you’ll feel that the Docker module in an Ansible role doesn’t really comply with Ansible’s claim to be declarative. It works, it has become stable and can handle different Docker Engine versions, but it doesn’t feel right.

When I look at an actual deployment, where our TeamCity goal runs an Ansible image to internally use docker-py, talking to a Docker Engine on another node and ultimately triggers the docker pull and docker run api commands, I wish for less abstractions.

Consider the alternative: TeamCity could perform a simple docker -H target.swarm.local:2376 service update ....

Nothing more. Yeah, that’s kind of an understatement, but you get the idea.

Ansible helped us to drop shell scripts when we started to scale our deployment pipeline with the growing number of services and nodes. In fact, we can consider TeamCity + Ansible + Consul + Registrator + Consul Template to be “our orchestration tool”. Over time, alternatives have shown up, and if I look at the shiny features of tools like Swarm, Kubernetes, and DC/OS, I ask myself why I should maintain Ansible roles along with the non-trivial setup of our home grown orchestration tool.

Maybe you already know that article about the Configuration Complexity Clock. If not, please go and read it! I’ll wait for you to come back here.

I wouldn’t really say that we should go full circle around that complexity clock. I would prefer to find better tools and stay at, don’t know, maybe 4 o’clock? Maybe what we need is a little bit of every hour on that clock? Only the good parts of each hour?

Maybe yes. I want the hard coded actual bit to perform a container deployment - but I don’t want to maintain it myself. So I’ll need to configure some externally maintained code to fit my needs. I wouldn’t really need a full fledged rules engine or a special DSL, if the tool of choice is simple enough to use. Every DSL ties yourself to that very abstraction and getting rid of it will not only be a matter of the tool, but also getting rid of the way you think about the problem space you solved with the DSL.

It’s always a bit harder to change ones mind, but I assume from time to time it is essential to move forward.

I already mentioned the tricky part when talking about my wishes for a good orchestration tool: fit my needs - simple to use. You might argue that a generic tool won’t be possible with such constraints. And I guess you’re right: there are reasons why our current setup still has its right to exist.

The Ugly #

We have some special use cases on some services. Yep, exceptions to a generic pattern are evil, but without exceptions we would be quite bored, hm? Let’s dig into the interesting bit: in most cases, our platform needs to perform requests to several of our partners, external rating services, and document stores. As you might guess, there are some services which are not as fast as we’d prefer them to be. We actually have delays in the range of several minutes.

That’s why we need to consider long running requests during our continuous deployments. Using blue-green deployment, we have the option to deploy new releases of our service, use those for new incoming requests, but keep our old instances running for several minutes. That way pending connections won’t be cut during a certain timeout.

Can you implement such a scenario with any orchestration tool? Well, I’m not aware of a simple tool to fit such needs. I consider Docker Swarm to be very simple to use, but it sadly won’t keep pending connections after service updates.

Really? Well, not quite.

A New Hope #

Luckily we’re not the only ones to strive for zero downtime deployment. Some people out there use Spring Boot, our application environment, and some people use Docker. Some use both, just like us. Some want their servlet container to shut down gracefully (see spring-projects/spring-boot/4657), and some want to perform rolling upgrades with Docker (see moby/moby/30321).

We cannot expect from either Spring Boot or Docker, now also known as Moby, to generically keep pending connections and block a container shutdown.

But Brian Goff’s suggestion to handle the TERM signal inside our application made us dig a bit deeper into JVM shutdown hooks. Reading the Runtime Javadoc about addShutdownHook() made us wonder whether the JVM would accept our idea to block the shutdown for several minutes. In fact, you cannot simply ignore a statement like Shutdown hooks should also finish their work quickly. You never know if you don’t try, so we gave it a try and using Andy Wilkinson’s code snippet made it easy for us to create an example application.

The Awakening #

Such an example application is available at gesellix/graceful-shutdown-spring-boot. Since we wanted to check a possible Docker Services setup as potential replacement for our Ansible based deployments, the example app can easily be deployed as a Docker Stack. If you’re not familiar with Docker Stacks, I recommend you to read the little introduction at

You can consider a Docker Stack to be the extended version of Docker Compose. The difference lies in the additional options to configure replicas, rolling update policies, and service constraints. The most important difference to Compose is probably the service deployment across several nodes. Everything is powered by Docker Swarm, so most of your knowledge about Swarm and Docker Services also applies to Stacks.

Back to our example stack: it consists of Træfik as Docker aware reverse proxy and the example app as replicated Spring Boot service. To ease testing the shutdown hook timeout, a delay can be configured via Spring Boot mechanisms using the catalina.threadpool.execution.timeout.seconds property. Its value defaults to 30 seconds. Docker also needs to be aware of our delay, so that it won’t SIGKILL the service instances after 10 seconds. The necessary properties (stop-grace-period and update-config.delay) are already configured in the stack file with a value of 60 seconds.

Get Real #

Starting the full stack works like follows. Please start by cloning or downloading the gesellix/graceful-shutdown-spring-boot repository and change into the graceful-shutdown-spring-boot directory. You should find a stack.yml file in the repository root.

If you didn’t already initialize your swarm you’re going to need it now:

docker swarm init 

With the following command you’ll advice Docker to create a virtual network named traefik, download the necessary Docker images and create the configured services traefik and app. The stack will be named grace:

docker stack deploy --compose-file stack.yml grace

You can follow the service logs with:

docker service logs -f grace_app

When all services are running (you can check their current state via docker stack ps grace), please open your browser at http://localhost. You should see a little web page with two columns, each with a button. The left one allows you to check the basic connectivity by calling the app’s echo endpoint. The button in the right column allows you to simulate a long running request by generating an endless stream of random bytes. If you click that button, the blue area at the bottom should show an increasing number of received bytes. Click that button now.

A service update with task downtime can be triggered e.g. by adding a new environment variable. Please use a new terminal window if you’re already following the service logs:

docker service update --env-add "foo=bar" grace_app

Apart from the usual Spring Boot and Tomcat shutdown messages, the logs should emit messages like this one:

grace_app.1.ki669xys5x6x@moby | 2017-05-24 12:34:31.981 WARN 1 — [ Thread-3] d.g.d.zerodowntime.GracefulShutdown : Context closed. Going to await termination for 30 SECONDS.

Docker will randomly choose either grace_app.1 or grace_app.2, and your endless request should keep one of both delaying the shutdown for 30 seconds. After that delay a new log message should appear:

grace_app.1.ki669xys5x6x@moby | 2017-05-24 12:34:01.989 WARN 1 — [ Thread-3] d.g.d.zerodowntime.GracefulShutdown : Tomcat thread pool did not shut down gracefully within 30 SECONDS. Proceeding with forceful shutdown

So, the application paused the shutdown for 30 seconds, and Docker didn’t forcefully kill the container (the application decided itself to allow the shutdown regardless of the ongoing requests). If you have a look at your browser window, the number of received bytes won’t increase anymore.

Final Destination #

With that proof of concept I would assume that our services can be prepared for an orchestrator like Docker Swarm. I didn’t verify Kubernetes or DC/OS and check whether they support a similar option like stop-grace-period. I guess they have at least a similar concept.

In the end everything will be a container, but we won’t need to get in touch with it, because a tool like Docker Swarm handles the boring stuff for us.

We would only need to change our thinking from deploying containers to declaring service constraints.

Feedback #

How do you deploy your services? We would be interested to learn about alternatives, pros and cons, and maybe we could share our experience. You can contact me via Twitter @gesellix or get in touch with my team @EuropaceTech!

If you have suggestions for the demo app, please file an issue or create a pull request. Thanks!